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Kristina Ramirez Jordan

Don’t Resist God’s Work in Your Life

Some people try to resist the work of God in their lives.

I thought about this one day when I was playing one of those gem swapping games. As I made some moves it would block another move, I was planning to make. Then other moves would give me a bonus of extra gems that I would not have had if I had moved differently. Yet still other moves I made started a chain reaction of many gems matching.

When we resist, or block what God wants us to do we completely miss out on the blessings in our life. If we start to do what God wants but try to do it our way instead of His, we may get some blessings, but we still miss out on others. When we truly let God guide our lives though, it starts a chain reaction of blessings, not only for us but for those around us too.

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