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Kristina Ramirez Jordan


This past weekend, I ran into some friends that I had not seen since college. We didn’t have a lot of time together, but we tried to catch up as best we could in the short time that we had. Seeing them reminded me of a poem that I had written for them. I did not drive when I was in college, so they gave me rides to church, and sometimes to the store or other errands. I did not have money to buy them a “Thank You” gift, but I could pray for them and their family daily. The following is the poem I wrote them to let them know that I was praying for them.


When you’re feeling down

And wearing a big frown

Remember as you see the sun’s first ray

I prayed for you today

When the day is rough and long

And you don’t know where you belong

Remember as you go on your way

I prayed for you today

When through trials you must go

And life seems to go too slow

Remember before your complaints you say

I prayed for you today

May your life with happiness and love be filled

And may things work out as God has willed

But always remember when things look gray

I’m praying for you today

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