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Kristina Ramirez Jordan

Caught in the Wheels

As I was walking with my walker at church last Sunday in a long dress, the wheels caught my dress three different times. The third time it happened it hit me that many times that is how sin reaches out and grabs us in it's trap. I was just walking along, minding my own business, trying to get to where I needed to go, when one of the wheels on my walker would catch a hold of a piece of my dress. If I didn't see it soon enough I would get so caugtht up that I couldn't move. That is how it is when we are tempted and fall into the devil's trap of sin. The longer we go along the path of sin without repentance it is not long before we are so stuck that we can't move or get ourselves out of the situation. Thankfully, we can call on our Lord and Savior to bring us help and a way out of the situation we got ourselves into, just like I had to sit down and get someone to help me get unhooked from those wheels.


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