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Kristina Ramirez Jordan

Fight With All You Have

Fight With All You Have

Recently, I have had four people I know pass away in as many months. Three of them passed from that thing we call the dreaded Big C. Each one was at a different stage of symptoms when the disease claimed them. One became immediately weak and frail, and was consumed in what seemed like no time. Another fought with everything they had within them, and the last one didn't even know they had it until they were gone. As I thought about this, I thought about how different we all are in our fight against the sin Satan tempts us with. Some people seem to be "bad from birth". They are consistently in trouble at home, at school, and as they grow older, with their employer and even the law. They do nothing to resist the temptation of evil. The next group are those who try to fight and resist doing evil as hard as they can, but they do it in their own strength or willpower. They eventually succumb to the temptation. Our third group are those that depend on God to help them triumph over Satan. To some people they seem like they never do anything wrong or ever have a problem. What to some people looks like perfection is really a life and soul depending wholly and completely on God to guide them and forgive their confessed sins. Search your heart to see what group you fall in, and if it is group 1 or 2, then please get your life right with God and let Him help you to be the Victor over Satan.

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