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Kristina Ramirez Jordan


Kristina Ramirez Jordan

When I was young, I was never able to sleep very well the night before a holiday (I still don’t). My mind would race with thoughts of anticipation as to what would happen the next day. Christmas and birthdays were the worst. Most of the time, my day never turned out how I anticipated it in my mind all night. For Christmas I would anticipate getting the latest, greatest toy they had advertised on the television for so long only to get mostly clothes and a board game that I was told had to be shared with my brothers and sisters. Things just never worked out as I had thought they should.

Many people, have that same attitude when they pray and ask the Lord for something, or help in some situation. They pray to the Lord, and then try to anticipate how the outcome should be. They think He should bring about some big miracle, or solve their problem in a certain way, and when it doesn’t go the way they think it should, they get mad at God.

Just as my parents gave me and my siblings what we needed, and not what we wanted on their limited income for a large family, God only wants to do what is best for us when he answers, or doesn’t answer a prayer, or answers it in a way that is contrary to the way we think it should have been answered.

So, when you pray, leave the results up to God, and only have the anticipation that you know He will answer it in the way that is best for you to grow closer to Him. Don’t try to do God’s job for Him. Just be still and know that He is God.



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