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Kristina Ramirez Jordan

Disobedient Children

I am sure we have all noticed a child, when they are starting to exhibit their independence. They will tell their parents, “I can do it myself.” But what happens when their plans don’t go the way they thought. Maybe they can't get the buttons on their clothes to button correctly, or their favorite toy gets broken. What do you see them do? They run straight to one of their parents to fix it for them.

For some, they will even run away from their parents, and do things that they know they are not supposed to do. But the first time they fall down and hurt themselves they cry out for mom or dad. Some may learn God's lesson to "Honor your father and mother," but there are others who want to do things their way, not matter what their age.

You know that is how we treat God most of the time. We think we can run our own lives by ourselves and we don't need anyone's help, especially God's. We go along and do whatever our heart pleases to do, then some blame God when something bad happens, and others run to God and ask Him to get them out of whatever crisis they are facing. It might be an illness or loss of a loved one, or it might be some kind of a financial crisis. When we face situations like that, it is usually God allowing those things to happen to get our attention. He is trying to get us to turn to Him and learn to rely on Him for everything in our life. Too bad most of us have the attitude, "I can do it myself."


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