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Kristina Ramirez Jordan


What excuse could ever be good enough to reject the sacrifice Christ made for us on the cross? No matter what we could come up with it would sound the same to the Lord, “I don’t care what you did for me!”

Someone with a medical condition may say “I am not well enough to serve you.” But how many other people lead people to the saving knowledge of Christ from their hospital bed?

Someone else may say, “I am too busy and don’t have time right now.”

My pastor once said in one of his sermons: " An excuse is a lame alibi."

There is even a song written called "Excuses," that talks about different excuses people give for not going to church or serving the Lord. The chorus says, "Excuses, Excuses, you hear them every day. The devil will supply if from church you stay away. When people come to know the Lord, the devil always loses, so to keep them folks away from church he offers them excuses.

Are you one of those people that take the devil up on his excuses, or do you tell him to get away from you and put your sights and actions on God and what He wants for your life. Let me tell you from experience, God's way is the best way.


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