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Kristina Ramirez Jordan

Eye problems. (I problems)


Those who have never asked Christ to be their Savior. They have either never heard of Him or they have rejected the opportunity to accept Him as Savior and Lord. I pray that if you have never given your life to Christ, that you will contact me for more information, or find someone close to you that can show you how to become a Christian and live for Jesus Christ.

Near sighted

Some people only see what is right in front of them. They are only worried about themselves and their immediate family. They do not fulfill God's command to tell others about Him and the way to get to heaven. As long as their family is doing ok, then that is all they care about.

Far sighted

Some people try to look so far into the future and what is going to happen down the road that they miss what is going on right now until it is too late. God puts us where he wants us at any one time so that we may be a blessing and a witness to those around us.

Double vision

There are those that try to serve two masters. They want to act like a good person when they are church but act like the world the rest of the week. God tells us in his Word that this will never work. It usually means that they were never saved in the first place and they are on their way to being totally blinded.

Glaucoma - Tunnel Vision

Have you ever heard the saying, "They are too heavenly minded to be any earthly good." Some people are so focused on going to heaven and they do not do anything to help others get there along with them.

Macular Degeneration

Some Christians are so excited when they first take Christ as their savior, but as time goes on they lose their vim and vigor and start missing an opportunity to serve the Lord, and then they miss a service here and there, and before you know it they are completely out of church and away from God. They can no longer see the blessings that God has for them right in front of their face.

20/20 Vision

None of us will have completely perfect vision until we get to heaven. Here on earth, however, we can come close by keeping our eyes on Jesus, reading and studying his Word. Prayer will also bring us closer to Christ. We must strive every day to do all that God wants us to do and keep the "eyes" of our heart on serving Him.


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