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Kristina Ramirez Jordan


Photo by David Tyemnyak

Many times in my life God's will (and sometimes even God) have felt hidden. I tried to do what I should and obey all the rules, but nothing seemed to work out right. I later found out the reason for some of the things that happened in life, while others I may never know till I reach heaven and see things from God's side.

I remember hearing a story about a little boy that sat at his mother's feet and played while she was doing a work of embroidery. He would look up every so often as he played and see all these knots and loose strands of thread. To him it was ugly, and he wondered why his mother would make something so ugly and seemingly useless. He finally asked his mother one day why she was making something that was worthless and ugly. She told him to be patient and that when she was completely finish she would let him sit in her lap and see what she had been working on. Not too long after that conversation, the little boy’s mother told him that today was the day that she was going to bring him up in her lap and show him what she had been working on all this time. When he climbed up in his mothers lap, he saw a picture of a beautiful landscape that almost looked like heaven to him. His mother explained to him that he was looking all this time from the wrong side. All he could see were the knots and the strands where she finished one color and started another. She also told him that many times in this life we look at what God is doing in our lives, and we don’t like what we see. But we must be patient, and one day God will show us everything from his point of you when he takes us to heaven.

I have learned through the years, that it was usually best for me the way things worked out. God always knows what is best, even if He does not explain it to us along the way. There are even times when I found I was glad certain things were hidden when they were, because I couldn't have handled it at the time. God knows when to reveal, and what to reveal to each of us.


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