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Kristina Ramirez Jordan

It's not fair

One day at work, my boss was having a bad day. No one could do anything right. He was finding fault with everything I did, even though I had done nothing wrong. By the end of the day, as I was driving home, I was almost in tears.

My car did not have a working radio, so I usually used my drives back and forth to work to pray, to sing and talk to God. It was our time. This particular night though, I was not doing any praying, singing or praising God. I was just fuming.

The next morning on the way to work I was talking to God all right. I was complaining about the day before and letting Him know how bad it was. He let me go on ranting , raving, and complaining about every little thing I could think of that had ever gone wrong in my life, ending with how bad I had been treated by my boss the day before. How he had unfairly blamed me for things that were not even my fault.

After my rant was finished, I heard the Lord tell my heart and soul, "Isn't that how you have been treating me?" Wow, what a brick to be hit with upside my head. I had never really thought about it before, but now here it was right in front of my face.

I had blamed God for things that had gone wrong in my life. For times when I didn't get my way, even though it would not have been something that would be good for me. I didn't want to admit that anything was even in the slightest my fault, or that God knew better than I did.

I had to confess my wrong thoughts and actions toward God. It was then that I felt the Holy Spirit come into my car and I was able to sing and praise God again.

How many times do we all treat God just as unfairly as someone had treated us? Search your heart today and ask God to reveal anything in your mind, heart and soul that is displeasing to Him in your attitude toward Him, so that you can draw closer to Him today.


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