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Kristina Ramirez Jordan

Leaders and Followers

Kristina Ramirez Jordan

One Sunday not too long ago, our church had a Children's Day. The children were in charge of the services, and their teacher even told the regular church staff that they had the day off that week. They made up the choir that day, and the ones that had special duties would come down when it was their turn to perform their duty. One read the announcements, one led the congregational singing, while still others took the place of the ushers to take up the offering.

After they went down from the choir loft, one young man got up to be the "Preacher" for the day. He started out asking for some volunteers from the aud

ience but did not tell them what they were volunteering for. When he got the volunteers he needed, he told them that they needed to vote on a leader for the group. Once this was completed, he brought out blindfolds for everyone except for the leader. He then asked them to hold on to a rope and that the leader would be leading them around the stage for a minute or two. He then asked the audience this question, "Who will have the harder time, the leader or the followers?" Some in the audience said the leader, while other said the followers. This really got me to thinking about the role of both a leader and a follower.

A Leader: (Jesus)

  1. There can only be one leader, because if there are more than one then things will get too confusing.

  2. Must know where they are going before the followers do.

  3. He must know of the possible obstacles ahead.

  4. He must be able to lead each one of his followers safely.

  5. He must keep everyone in line, so that no one gets hurt or lost along the way.

  6. He needs to be able to watch many things at the same time. The way ahead, his followers, and anything that may come up along the way, just to name a few.

B Follower: (Mankind)

  1. There can be many followers, but they must all follow the same leader.

  2. If the followers are following the wrong leader, (Satan) then they can be easily led into harm.

  3. They must have faith in the leader, that he will not lead them into any harm.

  4. If they don't follow the leader, they can get themselves hurt or lost.

  5. If they don't follow the leader, they can get one of the other followers hurt or lost.

  6. If they are not following the leader, they can fall into some kind of trouble that they cannot get themselves out of on their own.

So what kind of follower do you want to be? The one who follows Jesus and be kept from harm, or a follower of Satan and know that he wants to lead you straight into harm and trouble?


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