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Kristina Ramirez Jordan

Make Good Choices

Kristina Ramirez Jordan

Not too long ago, I heard a father telling his young daughter, when I was telling her goodbye, to tell me to "Make good choices."

This got me to thinking that what if that was all he ever told her. To just tell someone to make good choices does them no good, especially a young child, unless you also tell them what good choices are. She would not know that eating her vegetables instead of only eating candy and sweets all the time is a good choice unless she is taught to eat her vegetables instead of the candy. This also goes for things like obeying your parents and elders.

How much worse shape do you think this world would be in if the only thing God had ever told mankind since the beginning of time is to "make good choices," without ever telling us what good choices were. That is why he left us with His Word, the Bible. It is Him telling us how to make those good choices. When we go to church, and read God's Word, we are learning how to make the good choices he wants us to make in our lives.

The most important choice we have to make is whether or not we will accept Jesus as our Savior and the payment for our sins, or bad choices, we have made. If we do not make that choice in our life, then it doesn't matter how many "good choices" we make, because God will not see them unless He sees them through the blood of His son Jesus Christ.

So please make that first "Good Choice," today if you have not made it yet to ask Jesus to forgive you for your sins and let Him be the ruler of your life to help you to "Make Good Choices."

If you have asked the Lord to forgive you today, or if you want to know more about how to do that, then please send me a comment, and I would love to get back with you and let you know how you can make that choice today.


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