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Kristina Ramirez Jordan

My words are meaningful to me

Sometimes, I need to be reminded of why I write the things I do. I get discouraged that no one will read them, or that they are not getting the meaning out of a devotion that I got when it was put on my heart and mind. This devotion may be just for me, or it may be for some of my writer friends who also need a little encouragement sometimes.

My words are meaningful to me because God gives them to me. I don’t know why am so fearful to share them if they are coming from God. I am fearful that no one else will like them, and therefore not like me. I have always felt like no one likes me, because of being bullied as a child. When all you hear is criticism and taunts from a young age, you begin to think that you are not good enough for anything. Why would anyone want to hear what I have to say if they are already making fun of me for the way I look. That would just give them one more thing to make fun of me for.

I must continually remind myself that according to Psalm 139:14, I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Also in verse 17 of this chapter that God has many thoughts about me and He calls each one of them precious. So, if God thinks so much of me, and He is the one who made me, then I can have the confidence to use my writing for Him and not have to be afraid if He is the one giving me the words..

Lord, I want to break free from this fear and wholly depend on you and what you want me to let others know through the words that you give me. I can only do this with you by my side and in my heart. With Christ all things are possible. Please help me to remember this whenever I begin to doubt myself, because the words are coming from you, Lord, and not from me. I have nothing in my own power to offer, but I know in you I am a strong warrior. Some say the pen is mightier than the sword, so, let the words, stories, devotions, and poetry that I write be only from you, that it will reach a lost and dying world and lead souls to your kingdom.


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