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Kristina Ramirez Jordan


Kristina Ramirez Jordan

I am so grateful that the Lord lets us regroup everyday. His word tells us that His mercies are new every morning. I can’t tell you how many times I feel like I have made a complete mess of my day, but yet God wakes me up again the next day and gives me another chance to make my life count for Him today.

Even with this writing challenge, I messed up and thought it started next Monday, but I had to make up my mind to go ahead and write anyway and not use the excuse that I have missed a day, so I might as well not even bother to do it at all. I had to regroup my mind and thoughts to follow His leading and not my own. I always find that when I let Him lead me I get a blessing and many times others are blessed as well.

So, if there is anything you feel you have messed up so badly that it is not worth trying to fix it, then go to the Lord and ask Him to help you regroup your mind and follow His leading. It will be totally worth it.


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