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Kristina Ramirez Jordan

Thanksgiving Season

Kristina Ramirez Jordan

As we enter this season of Thanksgiving, let's do just that. Let us take time to "Count our Blessings", as the song says. Sometimes we can get overwhelmed with the traditions that we miss the meaning. Sometimes the season of life that we are in causes financial, emotional , or even physical pain and heartache, but if we take time to thank God for the blessings in our life, the hardships we are facing lose some, if not all of their power over us. Just like when we "Cast our Cares on Him", Satan loses his power to defeat us. So take time to count the blessings God has given you, even if you have to get a pencil and paper and literally list them so you have them to look at the next time you start to feel overwhelmed with this life and all of its cares.


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