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Kristina Ramirez Jordan

The Recipe

Kristina Ramirez Jordan

How many of us have gone to make a recipe, and accidentally put in salt when the recipe called for sugar, because they look so much alike. Or have you ever started your cooking or baking and right in the middle of preparing your recipe you discover that you are out of one of the ingredients. What can we do? We really only have a few choices: Run to the store to buy the missing ingredient, run to a neighbor to see if that have what we need and will let us borrow some, try to substitute something similar in its place, leave out that ingredient, or just scrap the whole thing and start a different recipe.

Most recipes, will not come out right if you don’t follow it exactly as it is written. And that is just how it is if you want to make it to heaven. You can’t try different ways when it comes to your salvation. Here is the recipe Jesus gave us to be saved:

  1. You must believe that you are a sinner, and have broken God’s laws.

  2. You must believe that Jesus took on our punishment for sin and died on the cross for you.

  3. You must believe that Jesus rose again the third day to give us victory over the grave.

  4. You need to confess to him your sin, and accept His death, burial and resurrection as your payment for the sins you have committed.

If you have just done this, or if you would like more information about Jesus and His “recipe” for salvation then please leave me a message in the comments and contact section and I would love to get back with you.


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