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Kristina Ramirez Jordan


Today is my daughter's birthday. She is the only one of 7 children to survive. The other 6 ended in miscarriage. I am thankful to God every day for my daughter. It was a very devestating thing to go through losing my other children. God knew why this had to happen, and I have learned many things through the experience. If it wasn't for my faith in the Lord, I don't know if I would have been able to get through the grief process. Here is a poem that the Lord gave me to remember my children and to know that I will see them for the first time one day in heaven:


Kristina Ramirez Jordan


I didn’t get the chance to meet you

When to this earth you came

Your time here was all too short

You didn’t even get a name


You were here and gone before your time

It broke my heart to see you go

I would never get to hold you in my arms

And things about you I’d never know


With God’s help the pain has eased

But you are still in my heart and mind

And when to heaven one day I come

You’ll be one of the first I want to find






Robert Randall Ramirez  Sept. 25, 1980

Richard Raymond Ramirez Feb. 23, 1981

Reuben Rafael Ramirez Feb. 4, 1984

Rosita Rebecca Ramirez Sept. 22, 1985

Ryan Reed  Ramirez June 29, 1987

Paul David Ramirez May 16, 1989


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