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Kristina Ramirez Jordan

What Part of Christ’s Body are You

In God’s word He calls us as a Christian community, the Body of Christ. In comparison to our physical bodies, what part do you fulfill in Christ’s body?

There are first of all the outward physical features such as hands, feet, eyes, lips and mouth to name a few. Then there are the unseen but very vital internal organs such as the heart, lungs, liver and brain.

Just as each part and organ of our human body has a distinct and important purpose, so does each Christian in the body of Christ. Some are more outward such as the pastor, who is many times compared to the head, because he is the head of the local church. Others do things that we never see, like the elderly shut-in who is a great prayer warrior.

When we are truly in touch with God’s will for our life and we are fulfilling the purpose he intended for our life, then our life is full of peace and contentment and the body of Christ is in full spiritual health. However, if we neglect what God wants us to do, then others are forced to do what God intended for us to do and it weakens the Body because others have to compensate for the missing part of the Body that we should be fulfilling.

We need to find what God wants us to do for Him in our life and do it with all that we have in us to give.

Don't let the body of Christ suffer and become ill and ineffective because you are not doing your part.


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