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Kristina Ramirez Jordan

Why I Write

I write, because God gives me the words, the thoughts, and the inspiration. I want to reach others for him and bring people to know Christ in a more personal way. He has done so much for me and I want to let the world know how wonderful God is. Most people are so ingrained with the things of the world and think of God as little more than a curse word. It breaks my heart to know all he has done for us and yet see the way people treat him.

I want to give back to the Lord the talent that He has given me to write the words that are in my heart and mind. I want Him to get all the glory for anything that I write that may help someone down the road.

Most of my inspiration comes from the sermons I hear each week. Other times I get one of my bricks upside the head as I look at some kind of everyday object and God shows me a spiritual application for it. What I call a brick upside the head is what some people would call an AHA moment.

Feel free to contact me, with an AHA moment, or a brick that God has hit you upside the head with. It may be that I can have you as a guest blogger to share your insights.


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