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Kristina Ramirez Jordan

You Can't Come to Our Church

This is how many churches treat their members. They act like some kind of morality police and think that they are so much better than anyone else.

Some by the way they act toward someone, and others who come right out and say to someone they don’t want in their church; You can't come to our church because:

You have been in jail. Well if we go on that logic then there are several individuals that God used to do His work in the Bible that would not be welcomed in this church: Joseph, Samson, John the Baptist, Simon Peter, and Paul (a repeat offender) and Silas just to name a few.

You are homeless. The Lord himself said in the scriptures that he had nowhere to lay his head. That made him a homeless person, so he would not be welcome in this church.

You don't make enough money. What about the widow who put in two mites, which was all she had. The Lord said she gave more than anyone else, because she gave her all.

You are living in adultery. Remember the woman who was taken in adultery and how they brought her before Jesus. He stooped down and wrote something in the sand and then told the crowd that the one among them who has no sin can cast the first stone at her. They all left without a word, and the woman went free to change her ways when Jesus told her Go and sin no more.

You are homosexual. We have been taught that homosexuality is wrong, which it is, as it goes against God’s Word and Law. However, we are told to hate the sin, but love the sinner. If they are never allowed to come to church, how can they learn of God and his mercy to forgive sin and cleanse their hearts.

You are not like me. God made us all different for a reason. It has even been said that if two people are exactly alike and have the same mindset, then one of them is not necessary. God gave us each different looks, personalities, and backgrounds, so that we may use our strengths to lead others to him. There is no one who can relate to every other person, so we must use what God gave us to win the ones we can, and pray that someone else will come along and be able to connect and reach the one that we were not able to.


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